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Developing a Friendship with Your Father

As you mature you will find comfort in talking with your Father.  You determine the degree of closeness or type of friendship. The more you sit in conversation and the more you reveal your inner self, the closer and more intimate is the friendship with your Father. ...

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The Quiet Mind of the Maturing Child

At some point as you mature, you find inner peace and life no longer seems a huge battle. You are at peace with who you are and where you are in your life. The words and actions of others do not affect you as they once did.  Once you are at peace then you are able to...

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The Maturing Child

As your flame grows brighter and clearer you mature from child into adult. Growth takes time, experience and patience.  The mature individual with a clear, bright flame demonstrates thanksgiving, gratitude, and praise. These three behaviors form the foundation of the...

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Working with the Voice

My Voice is also known by other names such as the Holy Spirit and the voice of your Higher Self, Inner Wisdom, or Inner Guidance.  Invite the Voice into your life and it will work with you to develop a relationship based on trust and love. Some may say that the voice...

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The Voice in Your Dreams

What you normally and most easily hear are the sounds in the physical world around you. You must listen closely to hear the still quiet Voice from the spiritual realms. To hear the Voice, quiet your mind, your thoughts, your body.  Invite the Voice to guide you and...

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