When you are afraid, angry, in pain- anything that is not love- then go to your Father and ask Him for what you need: peace, protection, love, hope, mercy, forgiveness, truth, revelation, healing power, His Light to rid you of darkness, guidance, compassion, humility, gladness, knowledge, faith, understanding, and other gifts such as redemption and atonement (at-one-ment). He loves you and provides for you. Go to him for what you need. Talk to him. Develop your relationship with Him. Don’t let the belief that your request has to be in specific form delay you; it can be simple and straightforward. The more you can focus, the stronger the connection and the better the outcome. So to start, you might need to find a quiet place, sit or lie down, close your eyes and relax as much as you can.

Start with Thanks

First give thanks to your Father for all that he has done, something like: “Father I thank you for all that you have done for me. I know you love me and provide for all my needs”. You can be specific in your thanks as well: “Father, I thank you for the peace/ protection/ the job/ the car you have given me.”  Tell Him how much you appreciate the gifts He has given you; express your gratitude for His gifts.

Then ask for what you need

Ask for what you need. A general request could be something like: “Father, I am afraid/ sad. I need your peace/ protection/ love”.   A more specific request: “Father, I hate (name the person, people, race, my life, my family).  Help me to release my hate. Please fill me with your Love and Light/ revelation/ truth/ understanding and help me release this hate”.  Sit with that awhile- asking for Love and Light to release and replace hate. Tell Him everything that comes to you while you form your request. Ask for guidance.

Asking for healing

When you have pain or need a healing, specify the location or organ in your body and ask for his Healing Power: “Father I am in pain. My ___ hurts so badly. Father, I need your healing. Please fill my __ with your healing power and your healing light. Please release the pain from me.”  Usually with pain, and especially chronic pain, there is a mental component, too. You may need to ask for hope, peace, understanding, or guidance to the best therapist or treatment option for you to bring healing. Perhaps you need to ask for forgiveness as sometimes guilt can lead to physical as well as emotional pain. You will probably need to sit with the request for a while so that the Healing Power can saturate you. Also repeat this prayer request over time to fill you with Healing Power.   

Filling with Love and Light

Another practice is to ask for the Love and Light of your Father to fill you. Again, you can ask in a generalized way: “Father please fill me with your Light and Love”. Or in a more specific way, you can ask “Father please fill my ___ with your Light and Love”, or “Father please fill my mind with your Light and Love. Please fill my head and all the structures and organs in my head with your Light and Love”.  Then continue on down your body: neck, chest, arms, abdomen, thighs, legs and feet. For each part of your body, allow time for Light and Love for fill it.  Remember that this is going to be cumulative – the more times that you ask for Light and Love, the more you receive and retain, as well as the greater the darkness that is released from you.

Always end with Thanks

Always end with Thanks and gratitude for what you have received such as: “Thank you Father for all that you have given me. Thank you Father for ______”.  Even if you don’t feel it at the moment, your Father has given you a gift that is working within you. You may need to do the prayer request several times to get rid of deep-seated darkness or pain.  Remember it is cumulative – each bit of Light removes darkness. Sometimes it takes a while for us to feel or notice the changes in us.

This just a way to get you started. Make this simple pattern yours by expanding, changing, modifying it as you feel the need. Perhaps this is your first attempt to go directly to your Father.  Once you have formed a connection with Him, then you will get more comfortable asking your Father for what you need. At first you may need to start by sitting in a quiet place to help focus your thoughts, but later you will be able to connect anywhere and anytime.  Sometimes you will know exactly what you need, other times you may just need to ask for Light and Love to clear away the darkness to help you identify what you need help removing. As you talk with your Father you will get more comfortable being with Him and understand his great Love for you and for all His Children.