Know that as you mature you become clearer and hold more light and love. As you clear away the negative thoughts and beliefs you also clear away the blocks and barriers to being light, love and peace.  You are taught that your body is a temple, but do you take this literally? As you clear away the false beliefs and darkness you open yourself to receive even more light and love. As you clear away the darkness from your mind, it also clears from your emotional, spiritual and physical bodies, allowing your very being to hold more of the essence of your Father- light and love. You are like a vase that the old and dirty water is emptied out to be refilled with clean fresh water.  As the vase holds more light and love the vase also becomes light and love, changing its structure and form. You, like the vase as you clear and clean out the old dark beliefs and decisions, change into the light and love that you hold.  This is the progression of the soul into a being of light and love.

 All the levels of your being need to be cleaned and cleared of darkness. In the mind the darkness is made of those beliefs and decisions that are not love and light. In the emotional body the darkness is made of those emotions that are not love. In the rest of the bodies likewise it is anything that is not light and love. For example, by not eating the right foods or getting the right amount of sleep or exercise, the physical body is still enslaved to darkness.  The darkness in the spiritual bodies remain by holding onto thoughts and beliefs that limit your Father or his children. As you mature you will notice that as all the aspects of your being change into light and love you treat yourself with gentleness, acceptance, and spend more time in peace and joy. Your physical surroundings will also change to reflect the changes in of your being.

You are a temple made to hold the love and light, the joy and peace, the truth and beauty of your Father. That is your inheritance as a Child of God. Just as human babies mature into adults over a period of learning and experience, so is your life that time of learning and experience for your soul to purify and to learn what it means to be the Mature Child of God with all the gifts and responsibilities that it entails.