The Maturing Child of God needs to cultivate discipline. Discipline of thoughts and actions is important to the maturation process. Listening to your thoughts takes discipline. Winnow out those thoughts that are not loving. Can you remember who taught you those beliefs, or how you made those decisions? Your beliefs and decisions come from your experience of this world, the not-perfect world. For you to become part of the perfect world of your Father you must mature into the being of love that he made you to be. Begin this by having the discipline to listen to your thoughts, and recognize the beliefs and decisions behind them. Are the beliefs grounded in love or not-love? Once you listen to your thoughts you develop discipline over your mind.
Discipline is needed in other aspects of your life as well. Do you set aside time each day to speak to your Father? Do you set aside time to focus on Him and learn what he wants you to do? Do you have discipline over what you eat so that you may be healthy? Are you sleeping the hours you need to have a clear mind and healthy body? Do you do the things that need to be done even though you would prefer to avoid them? Each of these is some aspect of the discipline that a Maturing Child needs.