Patience is a necessary quality for the Maturing Child to develop. While the spiritual realms function in the ‘now’, the physical reality is quite different. The Maturing Child needs to be aware that for answers to their payers to happen there are qualifiers to be met. Is the person ready for what they have asked for? Can their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies support the changes? Have all doubts and other interference been removed? The manifestation of very few prayers depends only on the state of the Maturing Child. Often an answer to a prayer depends upon the actions of other individuals for completion. Are all the key persons at the right place and time for their role in answering the prayer?
When more than one person is involved it requires that each person be in the correct place, at the correct time and do what is needed. When all these conditions are met, then change ripples outward throughout all involved to manifest the prayer. While your Father can cause immediate change – a miracle- He prefers to act through many lives, for each person has a role to play and reaps a benefit from performing their role. Think of what a sports team needs to do to score a goal. Each coach, player and member of the support staff has a specific set of skills and a role to play. When you pray, you ask for a specific goal. The coach’s plan leads to the goal when each person on the team is in the right place at the right time and completes successfully their part in the play. No one has an insignificant role to play, everyone has a role and a purpose in the plan to the goal. Your Father is your coach, those around you are your team, and your prayers define the goal to be met. Nothing happens by chance. Your coach brings the right person to the right place at the right time for the goal to manifest. Praying for a new job? Think of all the people and conditions involved to bring this about. The good news is that you do not need to orchestrate all of these components, and, in fact, it works better if you step out of the way. Your job is to define the goal- describe it to the best that you can, the more details the better- then turn it over to your coach, your Father. Your coach knows where each person is in their life, what role they play, what needs to happen to manifest that new job, and in what sequence. In order to allow the play to run without interference, step back and watch the play unfold. Sometimes it takes practice for the play to run correctly, sometimes a player needs to be switched out, and sometimes a misstep causes a new plan to be made. Patience and trust are needed. Patience for the plan to complete correctly. Patience when you cannot see that the play is already in motion. Trust that your Father has the plan and players worked out behind the scenes for you.
At some point the maturing child will begin to experience things falling into place- everyone and everything in the right place at the right time, all acting quickly to manifest the prayer. Learn to be patient. Your Father and the angels can nudge players to line up to take their place, to be in the right place and to make the choices needed to take the plan to completion. Learn to trust that there is a plan and purpose and that each person in your life is there for a reason. Even those you have never or will never meet have a role to play and no role is insignificant in any plan. Know that at some point your prayers will be answered bringing you an opportunity for your highest good for growth and development.
Thank you for your patience while I learn patience.