Your Father wants His children to be happy, full of love and at peace. That is what you were all created to be- love and peace. There will always be external circumstances that work against love and peace for that is the nature of life. The mature child maintains an inner presence of love and peace even when the external world of hate and terror surrounds them. The love and peace within are the presence of your Father and thus are the kingdom of Heaven on earth. Hold fast to love and peace. Let this love and peace be your strength, courage, and life itself.
Know that everything that happens has a purpose and is part of the plan for your highest good and growth. Know that in this plan sometimes you will be the teacher and sometimes the student. It is your classroom so that you learn and become all that you have been given to be. To become love and peace detach from the external world so that you remain at peace within no matter what surrounds you. For is it not written be in the world but not of the world (John 17: 14-15)? Others have also taught detachment as the way to growth and peace and to focus on the world to come not the physical world. Only by detaching from the external world can the inner world grow. Be in the world physically, but detach from it; do not let the concerns of the physical world disturb the inner world. Do not let the concerns of the external world become the world within. Only the internal world of peace and love is everlasting.