Lent is a time of searching for God, searching both outward and inward. Do you see the glory of God’s creation around you and in yourself? We, along with all on this planet and all of the planets and galaxies, are awesome examples of creation with the mind-boggling power of God’s will and love. Both the seen and unseen are perfectly made for our growth and the development of our body, mind, soul and spirit. We are perfectly made for this life, our gifts and service to each other and to God. God is good, infinite Good and Love, and he has shown us ways to embrace love and be that love on earth for others.
Can you find God within yourself? He is manifest in love, the love you have for yourself and others, and in the good will and charity you have towards others. Recognize that you are a child of God, that all individuals are children of God, and that you can bring this Love to earth to make heaven on earth. Be love, kindness, acceptance- see not the speck of sawdust in the eye of another child of God and ignore the festering wood splinters in your own eyes (my paraphrase of Matt 7:3-5) for we are all children of God. Search your heart and mind for that which is not love. Ask for guidance for ways to remove that which is not love so that there is more room for love. Ask to be shown how to be love on earth.