I have not posted a message for some time. Some of it was due to a flu, then a cold, then other things that kept my energy low. Part of it was also that I would sit down and pray for words to come, but the message was ‘not now’ or ‘not today’.  I always knew I had to learn patience and to wait on God, I am finally more comfortable in the wait.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 says For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven, in 3:7, a time for silence and a time for speaking, and later in 3:11, He has made everything appropriate to its time.

Over these months I questioned why I was not hearing the messages.  They went from was I doing something wrong, was there something I needed to do, were there blocks or barriers that needed to be removed, to the doubt of ever writing messages again.  A week ago I had the thought of cycles- of how in my healing work there were cycles and that after a slow or stagnant period a large shift would occur. Then yesterday, the day after Ash Wednesday, I heard the words from Ecclesiastes from the song “Turn, Turn, Turn” as I prayed.

I was reminded of what I wrote on the About page of the web site: This site is as much about the information in the messages as it is about my growth and progression into who and what God is asking me to be. So instead of waiting for the messages, I have decided to write about my experiences as well as the messages given to me. I am still being guided in what to write, just not given it as a channeled message. These words are my words, this voice is mine.

I pray that I have learned to wait and to trust.


Note: This translation of Ecclesiastes 3:1 is from the Aramaic Bible, 3:7 from the Torah, and 3:11 from the New American Bible.