My Voice is also known by other names such as the Holy Spirit and the voice of your Higher Self, Inner Wisdom, or Inner Guidance. Invite the Voice into your life and it will work with you to develop a relationship based on trust and love. Some may say that the voice of your Higher Self, Inner Wisdom or Inner Guidance are not my Voice. At first, these other voices are on a different plane of existence, but as you invite and work to hear my Voice you elevate to a higher plane and these voices join with my Voice. Quieting the mind, inviting the Voice into your life, asking for guidance and then listening, and clearing away the energy constructs in your flame will lead you to hear or experience guidance.
For some you will hear a still quiet voice during times of quiet reflection. The Voice will get clearer the more you listen. For some it may work through your dreams or intuition. Have you known something before it happened? Learn to recognize, pay attention to this type of information and to act on these insights. Every time you hear the Voice or work with the Voice, and act on what it tells you, you develop a partnership with the Voice. As the partnership grows stronger so will the Voice in your life. The way the Voice speaks to you may change as well. Do not despair if you are not aware of the Voice in your life at this moment. The invitation you made to the Voice to come into your life was heard and acted upon. The Voice is working now in the background to become your partner and then a part of you. The Voice will lead you to those activities that help you to become familiar with it. There are many Holy manuscripts in the world that teach ways to seek Me and my Voice or to hear my Voice. Try the ones that you are familiar with first, then listen for the Voice to lead you. Seek help from those who already have the Voice leading their daily lives. You will recognize them by the love they have for all people and the acts of love they perform.
As you develop your relationship with the Voice, it may teach you to look at things differently. It may give you strength in areas of your life and ask you to use this new strength. For example, the depth of your love and compassion for others may grow. Perhaps this gives you new insight into how you could bring more love into your present job such as changing your teaching style, being more friendly or open with colleagues, or making more time to play with your children. Perhaps this translates into a new desire to learn to heal, to work in a soup kitchen, at an animal shelter, with refugees or the homeless. The gifts that come with my Voice are meant to help others. My Voice will always lead you to do works of love. It would never lead you to be cruel or unkind, to harm anyone including yourself, or to speak or do acts of judgement, fear or hate. The gifts of the Voice are meant to transform the world and all those in it to manifest my Love.