What you normally and most easily hear are the sounds in the physical world around you. You must listen closely to hear the still quiet Voice from the spiritual realms. To hear the Voice, quiet your mind, your thoughts, your body.  Invite the Voice to guide you and then listen.  For some the Voice will use your dreams to communicate with you. It may show you a scenario with an emotion or belief that you need to forgive and release. Begin to pay attention to your dreams. The Voice will speak to you through your dreams using words, emotions, and familiar scenarios and items in your life. Some of the dreams will have a literal meaning to you, while some will be symbolic. Some dreams may be a warning, some may be prophetic, and yet all will have healing in some way.

You may want to journal your dreams or keep a list of what was in the dream and how you interpreted it. By regularly doing this you will learn how to interpret your dreams. The Voice is using the words, places and people that mean something to you, to speak directly to you. Your dreams may include scenes from a movie that you have seen, or book that you have read.  What does this character, place or situation mean to you? What was your reaction when you first saw it or read it?  Remember that the Voice is communicating to you using the words, emotions and beliefs familiar to you and exposing those that you need to be aware of. Your dream quite easily could mean something else to someone else.

Pay attention not only to the content of your dreams, but also if you should wake suddenly from a dream. It may be the Voice telling you that what is in this dream is important to you. With it still clear in your memory, or while you are still feeling the emotions, distill the dream to reveal the message. Identify the emotion or the belief in the dream. Forgive and release them to clear them away.  Some dreams will contain memories of situations or people that need to be forgiven and released. Some dreams may replay past events. The emotion or feeling you had in a dream maybe the only thing you remember from the dream. Forgive and release these.  The more you practice paying attention to your dreams the easier it will become. The Voice won’t use every dream to speak to you.  Some dreams are just your normal dreams helping you to process the events, emotions, and thoughts of the day.  The dreams with a message from the Voice will have the strongest feelings, the greatest clarity, word fragments or sentences that stand out in your mind, situations or people that mean something to you, and the dream will stay in your memory longer than your usual dreams. There may even be flashbacks to the dream during the day.  These are the dreams important to you to evaluate for the message. Also know that if any dream seems to repeat, something in this dream is very important to you and the Voice is sending again for you to act on.

Evaluate your dream: What is the emotion? Rage, hate, frustration, fear- any and all emotions can be cleared by forgiving and releasing them.  Is there a phrase or statement that stands out from the dream? Is there a belief? Perhaps you heard someone tell you that ‘everything is going to be ok’.  This may mean that whatever stress you are under currently will work out in your favor. Perhaps you heard ‘I’m not important’. The belief ‘I’m not important’ could be stopping your growth and advancement and needs to be forgiven and released.  Are you or other individuals doing something in your dream? How is their activity important to you? Perhaps you are in a car accident, or in a car being pulled over by police near a school in your dream. This is a warning dream to be careful when you are driving or in a car with someone else especially in areas such as schools or other areas with very low speed limits. It could also be a warning that someone close to you needs to be careful when driving. The person driving may indicate who the warning is for.  This warning may help you or others reduce or avoid an accident or ticket.  Are the primary individuals there for literal or symbolic purposes? For example, if a doctor is giving you advice perhaps you need to schedule an appointment. Perhaps you heard the doctor say you need to eat more greens or take vitamin C. Doing so could help you avoid health problems. If your mother is trying to talk to you over the phone but her voice is garbled, perhaps you need to talk to her to understand what she needs to tell you, or talking with her may help her find clarity on an issue for herself.  Or perhaps it means that you did not hear or truly understand what she said to you when you talked last.  In a more generalized form it may mean that you have not been hearing or understanding the love others have for you.  From this last example, the belief to be cleared may be ‘I am unlovable’ which would stop you from hearing the love others have for you, or it could be ‘I do not hear/believe/understand that others love me’ or possibly ‘I do not allow myself to hear that I am loveable’.

Tonight, as you lay down to sleep, invite the Voice to speak to you in your dreams. Perhaps there is something important that the Voice will communicate with you using your dreams. Making this invitation open ended allows the Voice to communicate with you in your dreams in the future as well.  Perhaps you never remember your dreams. Maybe dream communication is not the best way for the Voice to speak to you.  The Voice will find another way to communicate to those who invite it to speak to them, to those who listen, and to those who act upon what is communicated. 


Note: The procedure identifying, and then forgiving and releasing beliefs and emotions is discussed in the free download Choose Love.