When you listen to the Voice there are times when everything falls into place- you call it synchronicity.  What you focus on appears easily because you are in line with the Voice and your plan for this life.  You first created in the spiritual realm what you focus on, and the people, conditions and physical objects needed were drawn there as well as in the physical realm to create your thoughts.  As you think so you create, or in other words, as above in the spiritual realm as below in the physical realm. Creating in the spiritual realm takes focus and clarity.  Angels and helpers may assist you but your energy is the foundation, the power used to create and manifest. If your energy is clear of negativity your creation is made of clear sparkling light, a wondrous creation of joy and life.  If your energy has negativity or darkness your creation will be formed of this same energy.  Positive energy creations allow for a complete manifestation in the physical realm, while negative energy creations may manifest as twisted or incomplete, or may form complete but collapse from within.  Not only do your creations reflect your energy, but also your plan for this life.  If the plan for your life is to learn to trust in my provenance, then you may be unable to create financial success from your own labors even by focusing on it. Financial success would depend on first learning to trust in my provenance.

You create in the spiritual realm your spiritual home for your use now and later. Your energy of your flame is the brick and the mortar that holds it together. Your energy state as well as your beliefs determine the design- whether an open design for light to enter or a closed one with only tiny openings for light or friends and helpers to enter.  Your favorite places on earth become part of the design as well. Whether you love the forests, oceans, mountains, or plains, they will be a part of your landscape design as well. Those homes in the higher levels have peace, light and bright colors. To create a home of light and color, learn to be more positive now. Focus on being more positive by having gratitude, generosity to others, and more love and compassion for yourself and others. As you become more positive each block of your spiritual home increases in light and love.  The design will also change to reflect the change in energy.  With an increase in light and love in your flame, the energy of your physical home will also have more love and light.  Some of you in service to others have created ‘offices’ in the spiritual realm as well where others meet with you for healing, guidance, counseling, rejuvenation, or replenishment.  Your focus of service to others continues in the spiritual realms to bring light, love, and healing there as well.

 It feels as if this is the end of the introductory material, and I await the revealing of the next chapter.