Many religions have days of prayer in this month- celebrations of love, faith, peace, good will to all.  Can you experience the difference in the world around you? There is an upliftment of the spiritual energy around your world from the prayers for enlightenment, light, peace and love.  This energy provides an opportunity to bring change, not only to those who pray but for everyone it touches.  It provides energy for healing of all kinds: physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental healing.  It loosens old beliefs and emotions to bring them to the surface to be forgiven and released. It increases clarity of thought and perception so that what was hidden comes to the light of awareness. Great personal shifts can occur from this uplifted spiritual energy during times when large numbers of people are praying, focused on light, love, truth and good will.  The religion of the people praying does not matter. All prayers for light and love uplift and heal.  Use the spiritual energy this month and at the other times of prayer during the year for your healing and soul’s progression.

Join in with your prayers. Ask for wisdom, enlightenment, guidance, light and love. Pray in the tradition that you know. Or sit in silence and listen for guidance. Ask to be filled with light, love, wisdom, healing, truth, peace, joy, mercy, and good will towards all.  You can ask for these individually or together. There will be thoughts that come from your undisciplined mind. Learn to recognize those that are not-love.  Forgive and release them to make more room for light and love in your flame. This is a time of great spiritual energy for change around the world. Many flames will glow brighter.

Note: A protocol to identify not-love thoughts and emotions, and steps to forgive and release is described in the free download Choose Love.