Your flame is your core true self. It is a flame of light and love. All that you think, say and do creates more of the same in your flame. If you think or say words of love, compassion, or kindness to others and yourself then your flame grows in light. If you think or say words that reflect the dark emotions such as hate, resentment or rage, your flame becomes darker and muddy. Acts of kindness and mercy increase the light in your flame while acts of spite and jealousy darken your flame. It is your flame, your inner being or true self, that we see from the spiritual realm, not the physical body. Like attracts like, so the clear bright light of your being draws others who are also bright to you as friends, helpers, spouses. As you grow brighter you may find that some of your friends do not reflect your true self anymore and may drift away. Your physical environment may also change. Recycling and rehoming things that no longer feel right to you also reflects the new person that you have become. Your clothing style or color choices may change as well as some physical attributes. These all indicate the new person that you have become inside, manifesting on the outside.
With thoughts, words and deeds of love, mercy, and compassion you transform your flame to one of clear, bright light. As your flame becomes more and more clear you would begin feeling joy, contentment, compassion, and charity for all people and all things. Peace would abide within in you and around you. The peace and love within you would radiate out to those around you, influencing them to change as well, bringing peace to the world through peace within.
Note: The core flame is described in Your True Nature.