Giving thanks releases darkness and allows light to flow into your being. It opens you to receive and be even more light and love. If giving thanks is a foreign concept for you, start by finding one thing that you can be thankful for each day. What are you thankful for? Your job? Your pet? Your spouse? Your friends? Your life? The food on the table? After a while you will feel more comfortable giving thanks and can expand the list. You will find a multitude of gifts on your list, for each of these is my gift to you. Dedicate this time of thanksgiving to focus on what you are thankful for rather than making it into a request or plea for more or something else. Focus on what you have, not on what you want. Once you can give thanks for what you have, you will recognize that you have all that you need for who and where you are; then even more will come.
Why give more to someone who is ungrateful for what they have especially, when they have all that they need? Do you keep giving to someone who does not appreciate what you do for them? What lesson are you teaching them? What lesson do you need to learn? I Love you and want you to be the best you can be, yet even I am limited if you are not ready and open to receive my gifts. The lessons you have come to learn also limit what I can give you. Most importantly, learn what you came to learn. The lessons you do not learn remain till they are learned. When you learn a lesson, it clears your flame to be light and love. It opens you to receive more gifts, just as gratitude can open you to receive. Giving thanks will also help you learn your lessons faster.