Begin each day with thanksgiving for this day with all its opportunities for growth. This day is perfect for who you are and where you are meant to be. This day is created with love for you. Today, begin to be aware that every lesson brings a choice and eventually teaches you to become love. This is truth of the highest order. Everything and everyone in your day is brought to you for your highest good of learning to be love. Can you thank them for their gift to you?  Let this be the day that you forgive and release hate, envy, self-blame, grief, self-torture, control, rage and all the other emotions and beliefs that are the darkness in your mind and soul.

Begin each day with thanksgiving for the opportunities to choose love and light. Ask for guidance. The Voice will lead you.  If you have faith and trust in the Voice it will make itself more obvious to you.  It will show you what blocks you from choosing love and will help you forgive and release those blocks.  If you feel lost or overwhelmed, forgive and release them and listen for the Voice.  This is the beginning of clearing the darkness that blocks you from hearing the Voice and being love.

Begin each day with the decision to stay aware of lessons during the day. As you listen for guidance be aware of the choices you make.  If you choose the path with love and light, then each day will help you become who and what you were created to be.  Don’t ignore the gifts this day provides by coasting through on ‘autopilot’, become aware of the choices you make. This day is my gift to you.  In the physical realm choices lead to changes within your mind, soul and spirit faster than while in the spiritual realms. Use this day to learn.  This day was given to you so that you may learn to be love.