Know that I am your Father, your Creator. I created you in love, with love, and for love. Each of you is precious to me. You are my child. Your challenge in life is to learn how to love others as I Love you. Look past their lessons to being love, look past your judgement of them and see them and yourself as a child of love. See the goodness and love in yourself and others, for as my child you were created in love and with love. How can you do this? By clearing out that which clouds and darkens your mind and soul. Forgive yourself and others for not being love; have charity towards yourself and others as you all learn the lessons of love.
Each day forgive someone. Forgiveness is the path to love. Is there someone you detest or loathe? Forgive them each moment you think of them. Learn to see them as my child going through lessons to learn love. Forgive judgement if you cannot see my child in others. Remember that you see others through your ‘glasses’- if your glasses have lens of judgment you will judge others and yourself; if your lens are hate you will hate others and yourself. By thinking “I forgive and release” judgment, hate and all the not-love emotions and beliefs that you experience, you clear your mind and soul so that the love that is your core being can show through. Your lesson is to learn to forgive and release all that is not love so that you may become clear for love to show through.
Have you met someone who has done this? They glow with love- the love in their core shines out from their soul to surround them in a soft glow. They are filled with joy, peace, and charity (good thoughts and actions) towards others. They accept and love themselves and accept others and their lessons because they have learned to be love. This is your birthright as my child- to be love, to love others and yourself. As you find and free the love in yourself you radiate it out to others to help them find love and acceptance within themselves so they in turn can love others. Your purpose is to learn to be love and to help others learn to be love. Once you have found the love at your core then will know in part the Love that I have for you.