See the world and all that is going on as a school yard. Some have walked on into the classroom while others stay in the school yard to play games or fight out within themselves and others that which keeps them from entering the classroom. You may recognize some of these games: king of the hill, the person with the most stuff wins, me first, any way I can, I judge you not important and inferior, and obsession with shiny baubles. Even when you have passed into the school classroom there will still be issues to be cleared with your fellow class mates. Some of these will be with specific individuals, some will be more general where individuals will represent a chance for you to work through an issue.  For instance, do you fear authority figures in general, those with a specific type of authority, or a specific person with a specific type of authority? Or is the issue with the person and not what they do? Each of these requires the identification of the core issue so that it may be removed from you. Notice that the issue is within you, not the other. It is your belief that leads to your response that needs to be identified and removed. You might think of this as disconnecting the wires to your ‘buttons’, that once the wire is cut the circumstance is still there, yet you do not respond to it.  This frees you to be free of the situations surrounding you and to be love, do acts of love, and think thoughts of love for others without judging them.  Be in the world but not of the world, detach from the concerns of the world, and focus not on this world, but on the world hereafter as my Sons and Daughters have profoundly taught.

Note: One way to identify and remove beliefs and emotion is described in the free download Choose Love on the Book page.