You are here to learn to be love, to forgive yourself and others, and to be of service to others so they may learn to be love.  Service to others takes many forms.  Service does not necessarily mean giving money or things as it can be a gift of time. It can be as simple as the gift of a smile. A smile can work miracles by changing the emotions and beliefs in a person struggling to find love and hope. A smile can say you are loved, I understand you, I would help if you but ask, or I was there where you are and I found a way to love. A smile is such a simple thing but it can have profound results.

Helping a friend, a neighbor, a stranger in need is service. Something as simple as saying “good morning, how are you?“ can help them to feel not invisible and not alone. You may never know the extent to what your actions or words do for others, yet know each action has a purpose and is part of the plan for them and for you.   Understand that even the simplest thing done for another can have a profound effect such as decrease depression, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and isolation.

Perhaps you are thinking that you are not in service to others. Yet, if you look at your ‘job’ and all the vocations available to you, you would see that they provide a service to others, whether to the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual aspects. If you are having problems with your daily work, see how your vocation is a service to others and has value.  Your choice of vocation has a purpose and is part of the plan that all have value and be of service.

One service to others that is important to their and your growth is to see through the temporary condition to the eternal Child that they are. See each person as a child growing into Love.  Few can resist the innocence, the softness, and the love of a baby. Soften your heart and mind and see each person as a baby or child learning to love and to be love.  See them as I see them – with love and softness, wanting to protect and guide their growth. Without judgement of where they are now, see in others and yourself the same potential a baby has in becoming an amazing individual who has learned to be love.