Pray to me, talk to me and then listen. Listen for the still quiet Voice. You were made of Love, with Love, and destined to be Love. Tell me what stands in your way of becoming love. Identify what is not love and forgive and release it. Forgive others, forgive yourself, forgive whatever stands in your way of being love and having love for others, love for yourself, and love for your Father who has given you life. Accept the challenges in this life as your way to learn love. Face them. Learn from them. Be open to recognizing that each lesson has a purpose and is part of your soul’s plan to become Love. Know that each person has a lesson to teach. Stand back from the emotional charge and see this life as a classroom that teaches specific lessons which when learned allows you to move to the next classroom. Each of you in this classroom is both teacher and student. Each of you has a specific lesson to teach and to learn from each other.

Know that I am here to help you. If you pray for patience I cannot override your lesson and just give you patience. I will bring before you the individuals and situations to help you learn patience. I will show you the lessons that limit you having patience.  If you pray for help because you hate someone, I will present this person to you in ways to help you see them as my child struggling with their own lessons. Can you acknowledge the lesson this person teaches? Can you see this person as worthy of my unconditional and divine love even when you cannot abide them? Can you find what is within yourself that limits you? Thank them for the lesson and ask for blessings for them, then move on.  If you keep having a response to them then you still need to learn the lesson they teach. Thank them, bless them and move on.

Everyone faces their lessons to be love in the exact perfect time, place and situation to learn it.  The lesson repeats till learned. Your soul chose and planned this life because it is perfect for the lessons you need to learn. Each of you has a purpose as teacher and as student. Each of you is in the perfect place and time you need to learn the lessons as they present themselves. That is the plan and the purpose of life – to learn to be Love and to help others learn to be love.

Note: The forgive and release concept is described in Choose Love, a free download in the book section.