You are here in a physical body to learn to be love, to be my Son or Daughter, and to serve.  Serving others is fundamental to learning love as well as being an expression of love. Through service to others you help them to learn love as well as yourself. This is true on the higher planes as well. One way to serve others is to pray for them.  As you pray for those in the physical realm or those who have passed on to the other realms you release bindings that limit your progression and the progression of those you are praying for.  In praying for others you help both them and you.

If you pray for material things know that the material and spiritual gifts I provide supports your highest good and the lessons you came in to learn. Some of you must learn stewardship, right thoughts, right deeds, as well as spiritual lessons before you are given exactly what you ask for.  I answer all prayers in a way that benefits your highest good and your soul’s progression. Do you recognize my answer to your prayers?  Perhaps it is not in exactly the form you prayed for and you do not recognize it. Perhaps you prayed for an abundance of money as the answer to all your problems. Is your lesson to learn to be happy with what you have? Do you need to learn better stewardship of money to realize you have all that you need?  Do you need to learn better stewardship of what you have to get more? Are you praying for things that you want but do not need? Finally, have you asked me to give you what you need in a way that I can do what is best for you? If you pray for a million dollars would you recognize my answer if I gave you fifty and the opportunity to take a class that would change your life and put you on a path that brings financial abundance? Did you thank me?

When you pray tell me what you need as well as your heart’s desire, and I will do what is in harmony with your soul’s plan. Leave to me the how, the when, and the where. Recognize the time and the form of my answer may not be exactly what you asked.  Perhaps you need to learn a lesson first or perhaps the plan to answer your prayer needs time for all the parts of my plan to come together.  Be open to recognizing my answer in what ever form it comes. I am your loving Father and I provide for all that you need to be my Child.