Inner peace is found when you have learned to trust that all is taken care of for you. Let me lead you to where you need to go and to what you need to do. I will be your guide, your helper, your advocate. You will still need to face your lessons for you are in this world to learn to be love, to trust me and my guidance, to know that you are cherished and watched over constantly, and to help others learn to be love. Lessons are in your path to teach you these things and others. Remember that your physical existence is only temporary, it is your soul that is eternal. The lessons of your soul are your priority – face the lessons that you came into this life to learn. Do not be anxious about physical conditions. They are only temporary. Know that in all ways that I provide for you.
Some lessons will be more difficult than others. Do not despair – you chose these lessons for your soul’s growth. Think of them as little more than an exam during the school year. I will help you through them. Try to hold onto the higher perspective that what happens here in this world is an experience that your soul has chosen to learn a specific lesson. You may never know the reason or purpose for a lesson, yet know that it is for your highest good. Trust that it is necessary for the progression of your soul on your journey.
Hand your concerns over to me. Talk to me, I am always here to listen. I am always here to comfort you, to give you guidance, to take your hand. Give me your fears, despair, terror, hate, rage, anger- give to me all that is not love. Ask for help, guidance, and I will help you face them. Bring them to me and lay them at my feet. Release them in my presence- let my love and healing power flow into you. Let all that I am become all that you are.