I am LOVE and the Light of Peace. To have peace on Earth, one must be at peace. To be at peace, one must learn to Love- selflessly, unconditionally, and without judgement. The love that is conditional, selfish, or earned is not Love. Seek to be Love and you will come to know LOVE – the LOVE not earned but bestowed upon you, my child, at creation, divine not conditional, without judgement on what you do, think, or act. I LOVE all my children, for even my child with the darkest flame will learn Love and to manifest LOVE. Just as I am eternal you are eternal, my child, and you have eternity to learn to be Love. Do not judge what you cannot know about another’s path to Love, accept that all will become Love just as you will. Do not judge but be kind to yourself and others that stumble on some unseen rock or get swept away in the concerns of the earthly world. Know that all will learn to be Love, for that is your lesson and your birthright as my child.
Love yourself and others, for if you do not Love yourself you cannot Love others. To only love yourself is to put constraints on Love, and on your ability to love to others. Show yourself love and forgive yourself, do not hold your perceived transgressions against yourself, but free yourself to love yourself and others by forgiving yourself. To only love others and not yourself denies you your birthright of the Love that you were made to be, of the love that is the core of your eternal flame. Forgive others their perceived transgressions against you, for would you hold a grudge against a child forever? The judgement you hold against yourself and others is eternally in your flame unless and until you forgive and allow it to release. To practice forgiveness is to practice Love.
I am not a vengeful or wrathful God, but LOVE. I am inclusive, not exclusive. I am Peace, Joy, Hope, and Charity to all, not just to some. I watch over you and guide you on your path to Love and to LOVE. As a child you have times when you fall down while learning to walk the path to Love, you do things which by their outcome you learn not to do, and you do things you already know not to do. This is the process to becoming LOVE. I eternally embrace you with LOVE without any conditions or limitations. Open yourself to LOVE. Receive LOVE. It surrounds you, open your heart and mind to accept it.