Do you know the way to me? It is through Love. Love of life, love of all persons, love of all beings. When you open your heart and mind to love, you make a space for me within. Love is kind. It does not focus on the negative in another person or in a situation, but embraces the positive and encourages more of the positive. When you focus on the negative with in you or others, you feed it, increasing it within the layers of your being. Love begets more love, hate and fear beget more hate and fear within your soul. When you judge yourself and others as wrong or inadequate you create or increase the stain of that energy on your soul and flame.
I created you with Love. I watch you with Love, as a loving mother watches her child ready to protect and assist, knowing that as a child you act and think as a child, not knowing yet the truth about who you are or who you are meant to be. Children often act out because they have not learned patience or think only about themselves and their wants. Their behavior is childish and as they are a child it is understood that their behavior is a part of their learning process of becoming a mature person. You, my child, are learning to be Love. I understand that you first learn about the world and how to act and think from your earthly family. This often means that those who teach love have not learned the lesson themselves and that what you see in them and others is their process of learning to be Love. Your existence here and now, as always, is to learn to be Love, to be my LOVE manifest on the earth.
Love is forgiving both others and yourselves. For as you hold anger and judgement against others, you hold that anger and judgment in your soul, darkening your flame as well. Forgive others and release the anger, judgement, hate, rage, terror, disgust, jealousy, abandonment – whatever you hold against them. Forgive the emotion in yourself as well. Forgive the anger, judgement, hate, rage, terror – whatever you feel – and feel it release from yourself. This will both help to quiet the mind and the cleanse the flame.
Examine your thoughts, deeds, and emotions in the light of Love to identify that which is not Love. Most of what you think, do and feel seems automatic, but the energy in your being is the cause. Perhaps at one time you learned to believe that you are not good enough or are inadequate. Everything that happens after you make that decision and incorporate that energy into your being is interpreted through the lens of inadequacy like wearing glasses with colored and dirty lenses. Without the distortions you are the bright light of Love.
Being able to identify the emotion that you are feeling takes awareness of your thoughts. Learn to monitor your thoughts. Understand also that emotions are usually in response to a belief or decision that may be unconscious. If you feel jealous then forgive the jealousy, and look for the belief or decision that underlies it. Are you jealous because they got something that you wanted, something you thought was yours or that you deserved more than them, or do you believe that you are not worth enough to have it? Follow the emotion to the underlying belief or decision. Forgive the belief as well. As you learn to forgive the other person, the emotion, and the underlying belief, it will quiet the mind and cleanse your flame.
Can you help those who have not learned to be Love? Love is kind, forgives, and has charity towards others. By being Love you show the way to Love for others. By having Love in your being you also help them to resonate to the Love within you and experience that Love in your presence. It may be the first time that they feel Love and be able to recognize it. Be kind, be positive, say positive things to others, do positive things for others, be gentle towards others as they learn to be Love. Hold your thoughts up to the light of Love and ask yourself: Is this thought loving? Is what I feel loving? Are these words loving? Ask yourself: Do my words help them to know love or do my words or actions increase the darkness on our souls? Know that your thoughts, feelings, and words say more about you than the other person, for you look at the world and others through the window of your soul.
Choose Love, available on the book page as a free download, gives more information and provides the technique that this message describes.