I am LOVE, a pure vibration that is the most high. You were made by me with Love, and of Love.  Love has a vibration that is seen as light, heard as sound, felt as emotion, and experienced with the other senses as well.  Just as a prism bends light to make a rainbow with bands of colors with different energy, so are you composed of bands or layers of different energy. This is your original state, a being of energy layers. Your soul, spirit, mind, and other bodies such as the etheric and adamic energy bodies, are each formed of layers with specific vibrational energy which all together form the energy being that is uniquely you.  Just as light from the sun forms bands of color when bent by a prism, each band or layer of your energy body can be broken down further into even more levels and each level with sublayers and sublevels which are finite in number.

I see you as light, flames of flickering colorful light.  The brightness of your flame is determined by the purity of your soul, spirit, and the other energy bodies.  The colors that I see are determined by the frequencies of what is within the layers of your energy body. Faith, joy, love, truth, peace and such higher vibrational energy emotions are all seen as clear, bright colors flickering in your flame.  The lower energy emotions such as jealousy, envy, rage, hate, and fear for example are seen as muddy, dark colors. Each of the emotions, both higher and lower, has a specific vibrational energy and can be experienced by the senses of the physical body as a color, a sound, even a smell, and also by the senses of the energy bodies.   

I am LOVE and I am eternal and unchanging. Your being is eternal, but it changes every moment with every thought, every emotion felt, every decision made which changes the energy to a higher or lower vibration, thus making the flickering colors of your flame. The flame itself is eternal and the energy bodies retain their organization of layers and levels like a scaffolding holding the emotions, decisions, beliefs and other energy forms.  The colors of your flame represent the parts of your personality, your individual characteristics. You can change these by various methods. By choosing to be aware of your emotions, thoughts and beliefs you can change the lower energy ones to higher energy ones which brightens and changes the colors of your flame. Each choice, each decision which leads to love brightens your flame. Praying, meditation, psychotherapy, and forms of therapies which bring peace and calm, understanding and release, all help to clear the energy bodies of lower energy vibrations.

As a mother observes and learns her child’s personality and patterns of behavior from the very first day of the quickening within her, I knew you from my first thought of who you would be, what lessons you would learn, what gifts and behavior traits you would have.  Each of what you see as obstacles in your life have are opportunities to choose Love. Each choice for Love removes the dark, muddy colors from your flame and the lower energy forms from your energy bodies- progressing first from your soul then onto the spirit and other energy bodies. No one born on this earthly existence is free of challenges and lessons in which to learn to choose Love.  This growth of learning to choose and be Love is part of the evolution of your soul, raising you from the base animal and lower energy emotions, thoughts, and beliefs to the highest, purest LOVE.